Blog & Pastor Letters

Fourth Sunday of Easter – April 21, 2024

04-21-2024Weekly ReflectionFr. Matthew Duclos

I used to be a babysitter for several young children when I was a teenager. I took the certification classes, I knew basic first aid, I was comfortable with the parents, and I landed a few babysitting jobs and had the opportunity to earn a few dollars. And although I did indeed care about the children I babysat and we had some fun playing games, I obviously could never be a replacement for their parents. In that sense, I was the “hired man” to take care of the child.

This weekend is known as “Good Shepherd Sunday” because of the images in today’s Gospel. Jesus uses the terms “good shepherd” and “hired man” to clarify the relationship he has with his flock, a flock that includes you and me. Just as the babysitter is by no means a substitute for a parent, a hired man is no substitute for a good shepherd.

What’s the difference? In the babysitting situation, it’s the parent who has true love for the child, they’re raising the child, they have finances invested in the child, they’re educating the child. With a babysitter, although they certainly care for the child, there’s a limit to their involvement. They’re most likely not going to be there at the child’s wedding or dropping them off at college.

Jesus, depicted as the Good Shepherd, epitomizes the profound intimacy between the divine and human. His knowledge of his sheep extends far beyond mere acquaintance; it delves into the depths of our being, encompassing our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and struggles. This intimate knowledge echoes the divine intimacy shared within the Holy Trinity itself, where God the Father’s knowledge of Jesus the Son transcends mere awareness to a profound understanding of his essence. Likewise, Jesus intimately knows each one of us, from the intricate complexities of our hearts to the smallest details of our lives. His love for us surpasses our comprehension, embracing us in our entirety, flaws and all. In his unwavering devotion, Jesus desires nothing more than for us to remain within the safety of his flock, under his watchful care. His promise to never forsake us stands as a testament to his boundless love and mercy, offering solace and reassurance in the midst of life’s uncertainties.

In contrast to the steadfast devotion of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, a hired man lacks the deep-rooted commitment that characterizes genuine care. When faced with adversity, the hired man’s allegiance falters, and he swiftly abandons his post, leaving the flock vulnerable to danger. The Gospel passage vividly illustrates this as the hired man flees at the mere sight of a wolf, prioritizing self-preservation over the well-being of the flock. In such moments of crisis, the flock is left scattered, devoid of guidance and protection, gripped by fear and uncertainty. However, Jesus stands in stark contrast to this portrayal, exemplifying unwavering dedication and selflessness. Instead of retreating in the face of adversity, he remains steadfastly by our side, his voice resonating with reassurance and compassion. In times of fear, trouble, grief, or pain, Jesus does not shrink away; rather, he emerges as a beacon of hope and strength, leading us forward with unwavering love and guidance, ensuring that we never walk alone in the journey of life.

John’s letter confirms this relationship between us and God: “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God.” “Beloved, we are God’s children now . . .” What a gift! Being known as a child of God means that we feel the unconditional love of a parent despite the times when we might stray away from that relationship on account of our own sins. God does not abandon us in these moments; rather, he continually leads us back to the one flock with the one shepherd of Jesus Christ.

The relationship that Christ, portrayed as the Good Shepherd, shares with us, his beloved flock, transcends the confines of mere transactional exchanges. Unlike a hired hand whose commitment wanes when faced with adversity or challenge, Christ’s bond with us is characterized by an abundance of grace and unconditional love. His care for us extends far beyond the fulfillment of duties; it is rooted in the profound depths of divine compassion and selflessness. In every interaction, Christ embodies the essence of sacrificial love, tirelessly guiding and nurturing us with unwavering devotion. His presence in our lives serves as a testament to the boundless mercy and compassion that defines his character. As recipients of this immeasurable gift, we are enveloped in the warmth of his love, finding solace and security in his unwavering embrace. In embracing Christ as our Good Shepherd, we discover the true essence of love — a love that knows no bounds and endures through every trial and tribulation.

Let us rest assured in the knowledge that we are cherished and cared for, forever held in the tender embrace of our Good Shepherd.