Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation

National Community of Catechetical Leaders (NCCL)

A Christian Parenting & Caregiver Initiative
Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.

NCCL’s Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation Project is a five-year grant-funded project that will work directly with 200 Catholic parishes in 20 cohorts across the United States and engage over 30,000 Catholic parents and their families by exploring how to strengthen faith transmission at home in the first two decades of life, and create parish communities that intentionally accompany and support parents and the whole family.

NCCL’s Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation Projectwill establish a solid foundation of knowledge about how faith transmission is being practiced in Catholic families so that new approaches and strategies can be designed that are reflective of the family research and current thinking on faith transmission. The Project seeks to build on how Catholic families are already transmitting faith and values so that new approaches and strategies support parents. The new approaches and strategies will be developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive, personalized to diverse parental religiosities, and responsive to diverse family structures.

NCCL’s Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation Project will guide parish leaders in strengthening the parish community to accompany parents and the family in forming faith; and in designing a seamless approach to faith formation from birth through high school graduation by addressing the unique developmental and faith growth needs of young children, grade school children, young adolescents, and older adolescents. New resources and approaches will be created to guide parish communities in accompanying parents and developing a seamless approach to faith forming at home and in the parish community.

For more information about this project or the National Community of Catechetical Leaders, please visit our website at

Calling all Parents (and primary caregivers) with children in the home! We need your help to understand the challenges you face in raising your children in the Catholic Faith.
Please complete this Parent Survey by clicking the link below.
Be sure to select "St. Mary, Kingman" from the drop-down list (it's #15, toward the bottom).

The Catholic Family Survey will help your parish better understand your family and your life as a parent.The survey results are very important. They will be used to create a parish plan for supporting parents of children and young people, and for engaging the whole family in faith formation - from birth through high school graduation. The survey will only take 8-10 minutes to complete. We appreciate your time and contribution!


¡Llamamos a todos los padres (y cuidadores principales) con niños en el hogar! Necesitamos su ayuda para comprender los desafíos que enfrenta al criar a sus hijos en la fe católica.
Complete esta encuesta para padres haciendo clic en el enlace continuación.
Asegúrese de seleccionar "St. Mary, Kingman" de la lista desplegable (es el número 15, hacia la parte inferior).

La encuesta para familias católicas ayudará a su parroquia a comprender mejor a su familia y su vida como padre. Los resultados de la encuesta son muy importantes. Se utilizarán para crear un plan parroquial para apoyar a los padres de niños y jóvenes, y para involucrar a toda la familia en la formación de la fe, desde el nacimiento hasta la graduación de la escuela secundaria. La encuesta solo le llevará de 8 a 10 minutos completarla. ¡Agradecemos su tiempo y contribución!