Bulletin Announcement Form

Please note: To be added to the bulletin, ALL events must first be approved by the Parish Office and appear on the Parish Calendar, and the submission form must be complete, or submission forms will be returned and will need to be resubmitted correctly.

Bulletin Submission Procedures

All bulletin items must be submitted via this form, online or on paper (in the Parish Office).

All forms must be completed and received by the Parish Secretary before 11:00am on Tuesday to be included in the bulletin for the upcoming weekend (unless otherwise specified, such as early holiday deadlines). If submitted after this deadline, the announcement will be in the bulletin for the following weekend.

Submissions will be limited to 650 characters or less, so keep announcements BRIEF (i.e., who, what, when, where, why). Longer submissions will require bulletin inserts, which must be attached to this form for approval.

Bulletin announcements run for two weeks only (exceptions may be made by the Parish Office).

Clipart will not be used in the bulletin or website. Organic pictures of your ministries in action are encouraged (please follow Safe Environment guidelines for the vulnerable). If you are submitting pictures, they must be high-resolution and in-focus to be included in the bulletin. Please include photographer credit and event title.

Mass announcements must be submitted to the Parish Secretary before 11am on Tuesday.

All bulletin submissions and Mass announcements are at the discretion of the Parish Office, and may be edited to fit these outlined procedures, as needed.

These procedures apply to all ministries, affiliates, and departments.

Bulletin Submission Form